Mooda Sees Mooda Says

Anecdotes, observations and opinions

Company Picnics


Today was my company picnic. A day set aside by the boys at the top to give the rank and file a day out of the office to let their hair down and engage in carefully planned activities with other coworkers. Hmmmm, (planned activities) * organized by company + employees = work.

Well I didn’t go. If you want to give me a break then do that. Give me a day off and allow me to use it how I see fit. Show your appreciation for my hard work by allowing me to determine how I will spend the day not at work.

Where I work if you do not attend you must take a vacation day or a personal day. Why? The picnic is considered a work day. Even though you are not working!

I have plenty of vacation time and I don’t mind the penalty. Using my time in a way that I see fit is more important than wasting time wishing I could spend it doing something else.

I refuse to be a victim of the in house drive-by.

August 3, 2011 Posted by | Complaints | , | Leave a comment

IPhone vs. Android

It is just a small grievance but the idiocy of the whole iPhone vs. Android is driving me batty. I am so tired of these tech blogs constantly saying that Android devices will soon outnumber iPhones and that Android will soon be the number phone. Well duh! First of all Android is not a device it is an operating system. The iPhone is a device. Apple does not license the iOS operating system to other manufacturers. Therefore it’s install base is going to be smaller than that of devices running Android. Apple is using the same model that they use with OS X. It is not licensed or sold to be installed on non-Apple hardware.

So to continue to say that Android is going to surpass iPhone only indicates a lack of understanding about the technology an how it is being marketed. The general adoption of one technology over another is not an indicator of the former being the better (VHS vs. Beta), it just means that more people are using it.

November 1, 2010 Posted by | Complaints | , | Leave a comment

Real Men For A Fake World

real men

It occurred to me that we have some real posers out there. Fake men posing for a fake world. Stop the chest pounding and saber rattling and realize that real men verify themselves. Who’s the bitch now?

February 26, 2008 Posted by | Complaints | Leave a comment

Right Is Right Except When Wrong

AND Truth Table

The above is what is commonly referred to as a “truth table“. In our case it is a truth table for a “logical AND” or “logical conjunction”. It defines that for a result to be true, both arugments “p” and “q” must be true. Fair enough?

Why am I discussing truth tables and the fundamentals of logic? Well because there are a lot of stupid ass people out there that need this broken down for them. Stupid ass people that like to assert opinion as fact and mock those who can support their arguments with facts. For those I present some guidelines (not official by any means) for debating:

  1. Know the difference between your opinion and a fact.
  2. If your opinion can not be substantiated then do not state it as if it is a fact!
  3. If some one points out to you that there is clear verifiable evidence to support their opinion (which at this point it is no longer and opinion) you can not dismiss the evidence because you have not seen it, read it or lack the intelligence to comprehend it. Especially if they are giving you the evidence to verify for yourself. At this point you either accept the evidence or offer evidence of your own that supports your position. If you chose to do neither then state that and politely excuse yourself from the discussion, because at this point you have nothing to offer.
  4. Trying to bring in unrelated subject matter to support your case will not help, so don’t.
  5. Attempting to back-pedal and restate or change the context of your position only makes you look more ignorant than you already appear. State your position and stick to it. If your position is going down in flames accept the fact that you need to reconsider your position or need to do more research to get the facts that support your position.
  6. Telling the other person “You know what your problem is? You just have to be right!” is a clear signal of you did not know what you were talking about to begin with and is a sub conscience way of admitting defeat. (Thats my opinion)
  7. Graciously accept defeat and try to learn something instead of getting upset that you were shown that you do not know everything.
  8. If you attempt to win using semantics do not accuse the other person of using semantics when they reverse it on you. If you need clarification then ask for it but do not try to bullshit the other person with these silly ass word games. If your opponent is being vague then call them on it. “Your being vague, could you define what you mean by…” or “Am I understanding you correctly that when you say XYZ, you mean this…”. Force your opponent to clearly state their position.

Just for the record, yep I do like to be right. Is there anything wrong with that? All it means is that I have taken the time to learn. That I have made an attempt at enlightening myself and shunning the darkness of ignorance. Is that such a bad thing? Granted I know people do not like a “know it all”. Well “know it alls” do not like the “know nothings”. The folks that run around spouting inaccuracies, falsehoods and misinformation as if they themselves know it all. Hmmmmm bet you never thought of it from that angle. Its not that know-it-alls are disliked its the fact that the know-it-all knew more than you that you do not like. That you were knocked down a rung or two and it may have hurt. Well grow up, because even know-it-alls are shown that there is more to know.

From now on I will make my assertions with down cast eyes and in the meekest of tones for fear of upsetting your fragile ego. I will beseech your permission to utter statements that may not coincide with yours. Better yet i will just accept all that you say and smile with satisfaction that others too will get to hear how great your ignorance is.

February 20, 2008 Posted by | Complaints, Humor, Opinions | Leave a comment

Clueless In Starbucks and Kneel and Bob


My second reference to the ubiquitous Starbucks. However in this case I making reference to an overheard conversation. Two young ladies, if they were a day over 20 I would be surprised, were discussing their respective political stances as so many are with this being an election year. I was quite floored when I heard one inquire of a nearby customer, “Is Hillary Clinton a Democrat or Republican?” only to be further trampled on when her equally astute friend chortled, “Is Obama right or left wing?”. After receiving very quick and biased answers to their questions and admonition to do a little reading the two quickly professed who they would be voting for in November. Ya know I am kind of glad that there is the electoral college, no matter how flawed of a system it is, it still may protect  the populace from blithering idiots like these two. Is it really to much to ask, we’ve been down this road before, for people to think, just a little bit? We all know the popular vote is a meaningless gester given to the populace to pacify their need for inclusion in the pseudo democratic process. Yet it still upsets me though that ding-dongs like the aforementioned regard themselves as qualified to cast a ballot in a process that they feel has lasting impact and merit. If you can not even identify what political party a given candidate belongs to and the fundamental beliefs of the candidate or the party by what means are you arriving at your decision? How do you know if that person is really the right person for the job? Whateva’ man.


OK now on to item number 2. I want to give all of the real haters out there some props. What do I mean by real haters? Those people who openly express their disdain for anyone not like themselves. Skinheads (are they still called that), Neo-Nazis, White Supremacist, those involved in ethnic cleansing, etc. Hey I may not agree with your cause but I respect the fact that you openly and courageously speak your mind and let the rest of the world know where you stand. You do not hide behind politcal correctness or a vale of civility. You do not like these fucking people and thats that. End of story. I just hate these folks that pretend to accept everyone. Then as soon as shit happens they are the first ones to ask about race, ethnicity, etc. Ummmm last time I checked crimes were being committed by all people. Listen you fake ass, brainwashed, bitches, go suck a dick and shut the fuck up. Kneel and bob just kneel and bob, be-yatch!

January 26, 2008 Posted by | Anecdote, Complaints, Humor | Leave a comment

You Only Know What You See (Publicly Private)

Blurred face

It strikes me as odd that folks are continuing to gripe about the invasion of privacy and the intrusions upon their personal space when it appears that the so many are willing to share so much of their lives with strangers. Often matters that are better discussed face to face in the privacy of ones home are being discussed openly at work on some kind of phone but always in ear shot of others. Let’s not forget about the booming trend of amateur porn. Amateur porn sites where your next door neighbor can produce and promote their most scandalous of liaisons are as abundant as Chinese take out restaurants in NYC. Yet these same people will bitch and moan about “Big Brother” violating their privacy as well as Big Business, brick and mortar as well virtual ones, maintaining to much personal information about their habits. If you want privacy then be private. If you do not not want intrusion then do not invite it. Otherwise, thanks for the show jackass!

December 3, 2007 Posted by | Complaints, Gripes, Opinions | Leave a comment

Just Because Is Not Good Enough

Mechanoid Robot

I have a problem with people who can not, do not or will not express their understanding of their routine, behavior or beliefs. They become robots going about their lives never understanding their own reasons for their routines. Questioning why we do the things we do, why we believe the things that we believe is tantamount to stopping and smelling the roses. Why is it acceptable to stop and admire nature and to share our thoughts and feelings about this experience yet conversely it becomes taboo to stop and think about why we behave or believe in a certain way and to share our thoughts and feelings about that? Is it to much to ask that we be able to explain our actions when considered in the context of accountability? If I am going to be held accountable for my behavior and ideals should I not at least be able to clearly define them and give reasons for adhering to them? “Just because” is not a reason. It ceased being a reason when society determined we were of the age of accountability.

Judge – “Why did you murder that man?”

Me – “Just because.”

Judge – “Well that clarifies everything. You are free to go.”

Life is about engagement. Engaging others in dialogs, even uncomfortable ones is how we enlighten each other. Even if you are not an expert or feel that you are not qualified to discuss in depth a given topic you are an expert to discuss in depth how you perceive it affects you. You are the expert when it comes to your own behavior, your ideals and convictions. You are the expert when it comes to you.

If just because is acceptable then allow me to take advantage of you, just because.

Even if the reason is not very sophisticated there should always be a reason for our actions. These cumulative reasons, when shared, are like the small sparks that collectively start a flame which in turn illuminates the dark. Could not these reasons serve as a source of enlightenment to others? Share the knowledge and wisdom you have learned with those who seek it. Be flattered that a query has been made of your reasons and that some may consider them valid. Queries come in many forms and our answers or lack there of should not be formed by preconceived notions of the motives of those that inquire. To quote a proverb from the book of the Christians, “An answer when mild turns away rage”. Share what you know and what you do not. Perhaps by doing so you will add your spark that ignites the flame.

October 7, 2007 Posted by | Anecdote, Complaints | , , | Leave a comment

WTF Is Pro Beach Volleyball?

Pro Beach Volleyball (AVP) is as useful as a holey umbrella! Why is it that in the U.S and A. things that should be taken with a grain of salt all of a sudden become a passion for people to pursue with the vigilance and diligence that some people dedicate to “real” disciplines? I do not get it. How does this warrant its on show? Why is it important? I’m all for a little fun in the sun and have enjoyed a good game of volleyball myself. Get real, how can someone call themselves a professional beach volleyball player? Is that not the lamest excuse for, “I am a loser” you have ever heard!

August 26, 2007 Posted by | Complaints | Leave a comment

Ellis Island Is Closed

Ellis Island

I first heard about this on the news this morning. It appears a town in Texas has decided to impose penalties on landlords that rent to illegal aliens. I know the term “illegal aliens” is politically incorrect however it does emphasize that these people regardless of their nationality are within the borders of the U.S.A. illegally. “Undocumented” makes it sound as though someone forgot to fill out paper work on them.

I find it interesting that civil rights groups as well as the illegal aliens feel that there is some form of discrimination by a municipality suggesting that the Federal law be enforced at the local level. Hmmmmm, let me see, yes they are discriminating against people who are in the country illegally. If it so happens that the majority of illegal immigrants are from South America then yes the proposed law would affect them more than the illegal immigrants from Australia. Does that make sense to anyone other than myself and the town board of Farmers Branch?

I am fortunate enough to live in an upper middle class community where renting in general is frowned upon and tightly controlled. My neighbors take very seriously things that affect the values of their homes and will not tolerate for one second anything that will devalue their investments. Is this wrong? It is elitist but is it wrong. As citizens of this country, we work damn hard at providing for our families. Ensuring that our families have the things that they need and even some of the things that they want. Is that not the reward for hard work? If I have followed the course that this society has prescribed as the acceptable way of achieving a certain level on the socio-economic ladder shouldn’t I be allowed to enjoy that success in its entirety? At its full value. The role of the government is to not only create laws to keep it’s subjects in line but it’s role is to also protect it’s subjects from those that would interfere with it’s subjects pursuit of happiness. The level of government that this occurs at is irrelevant.

I can hear some of you saying well what about the civil rights movement and the rights of the hard working white folks. Well you see the difference is this, the civil rights laws were protecting minorities that were all ready citizens. They were not here illegally. As I recall these people were here against their will. They did not swim across the ocean at night and climb over or under a fence to get in the country.

Enough with the argument that Hispanic people are being targeted. Really now, isn’t it just a numbers game. Just like the majority of terror related incidents are carried out by those of Middle East decent and usually a follower of Islam. So I guess then we should not look with a bit more suspicion those that fit that description? Whatever. Drawing conclusions based on evidence is wrong then according to the opponents of this law being proposed in Farmers Branch.

Let me conclude with this. All of these illegal immigrants tout that they are here to work. To make a better life for themselves and their families. Yet they do not pay into the system that allows them to achieve this better life. Why should those that do pay into the system be willing to pick up the slack for them? Maybe we should all go down there and mooch off of their system. Send billions of dollars back to the U.S. Live as squatters in the nice communities down there so that those homes lose value as well. Lets see how they like it.

Let the revolution being.

May 13, 2007 Posted by | Complaints, Opinions | Leave a comment

You Have To Be Kidding Me?


Uh oh people I have a bee in my bonnet. Some wackos, of course they originate in the “Bible Belt”, are complaining about a Starbucks campaign being anti-god.  Read about it here.

I dare someone attempt to boycott anything just because they do not agree with the position held by that person, group, organization or business. Haha now you see why I say religion needs to be banned. These wackos totally pollute the concept of spirituality in favor of some totalitarian and draconian society that lives in fear of falling out favor of those who are the gate keepers to your salvation.

I am so tired of these friggn’ people and there friggn’ hyper-sensitivity to everything that they feel is an attack on them and their so called Christian values. How asinine are these people? Would not Jesus want to open a dialog with non-believers? Would he not have preferred to encourage others to freely express themselves without fear of condemnation? Or would he call for the immediate punishment of all those that disagreed with him. As I recall did not Jesus inflict great hardships, pain and suffering on all that did not receive his message? Was not that the point of his mission?

Stop worrying about these trivial matters. If Jesus spent all of his time fighting those who disagreed with him he would not have had time to give you the values that you allegedly adhere to. Get over yourselves, you are not that important nor are your sniveling tirades and rants. Why don’t you do us all a favor and go home and read your friggn’ bibles and wait for whatever it is you are waiting for. While you are waiting for it, do it in silence. The rest of us do not want to hear about how your wait is being affected by our debauchery.

Drop dead go to heaven and leave the rest of us alone!

May 11, 2007 Posted by | Complaints, Gripes, Opinions | Leave a comment